JOE LEBOSI's bediful story

I bought my first professional camera, the Nikon FG back in 1989. A few years later, I upgraded to the Canon EOS-1N and my love of photography deepened with travel and portraiture.
When it was stolen from me, my heart broke. Scorned, I stopped taking photographs.
The hibernation period eventually ended.
My passion for photography was reignited upon meeting my wife 7 years ago as I was toying around with her Canon G11. I am a simple man who loves taking pictures and spending time with the family. I am fortunate to be able to spend a good amount of my time on projects that allows me to travel and collaborate with a team of amazing people …while getting paid for it!
My focus has now moved on to professional Videography and Production but my trigger happy fingers has not forgotten it’s first true love – photography; making my 5D Mark II a compatible companion whenever I travel for both work and play.......and oh! I also manage Daphne IKing's career....whom, incidently is my wife....yay!