JOE LEBOSI's bediful story
Daphne initially wanted to take up medicine. Thanks to her mother’s hunch, she changed her degree choice to Broadcasting for TV, Film and Radio and has not looked back. Her father was not in favour of her degree change, so she funded her own studies by dancing, tutoring and working part-time as a sales promoter.
Upon completing her degree, she continued with her Master Degree in Screen Studies while working as a Marketing & PR executive at Skywalker TV Facility House. It was during her second year completing her Post-graduate studies, that she was offered a job as a Broadcast Journalist at TV3, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Anchoring numerous types of television programmes; from Personal Finance, News & Current Affairs and Magazine shows, to light-hearted entertainment and travelogues – both LIVE and recorded; Daphne has also embarked in producing and acting. She enjoys reading, writing, traveling and is vivaciously attracted to outdoor activities that tickle the daring side of her.
Daphne was a freelance TV anchor and journalist for Ringgit Sense(TV3), Explorace(TV3), The Breakfast Show(NTV7) and The Bella Show( NTV7). Now, she produces her on show called DAPHNE on her own youtube channel. Under the Joe Lebosi Entertainment company, she also produces corporate videos.
As a sought after Masters of Ceremony, she can be seen hosting corporate and lifestyle events. She also record voiceovers for commercials and corporate videos. She writes for The Star in her Different Spin column and flirts occasionally with theatre and film. On some days, she sings on events and also mixes on with her Pioneer decks, when her alter ego DJ Def-J beckons. She is also the cofounder of online stores Baajookoo and Eleanor by Daphne Iking.
Daphne has given talks and workshops on Public Speaking and Grooming with companies like The Amber Chia Academy and (Crowe) Horwath, and has been invited to deliver motivational talks to NGOs and students at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Taylors College, TEDx, Help Institute and her alma mater, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Besides emceeing, hosting and producing, Daphne also conducts Media Handling Training under her PR company BIGIDIA.